SGS Environmental Analytics

Environmental Care

Environmental Care

SGS Environment and Water testing services offer rapid, reliable solutions for supporting construction activities, improving health and safety and ensuring legal compliance. SGS Drinking water testing provides health critical solution for drinking water suppliers. Environment testing services support clients in site investigations, risk assessment, surveying, inspection and construction, land remediation; waste management and water course management. Drinking water testing involves the time critical analysis of the water supply chain to ensure it is fit for human consumption. SGS Analytics has industry leading experience in this area and is at the forefront of testing innovation and investment to support utilities and regulators to ensure water supply safety. With a track record of over 30 years SGS Analytics provides testing services from a network of laboratories across Europe. Our solutions enable customers to purchase a full solution including collection of samples, transportation, testing, analyses, electronic delivery of results and advice and guidance.

SGS Environmental Analytics




SGS Environmental Analytics offer you a wide range of organic compounds analysis.

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Inorganic chemistry is the branch of chemistry concerned with the properties and behavior of inorganic compounds.

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Chemistry is the science concerned with the composition, structure, and properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions.

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A leaching test is a test during which material is put into contact with a leachat and some constituents of the material are extracted.

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Asbestos is the generic term for a number of naturally occurring minerals composed of fine fibres.

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Over 200 compounds analyzed in one pack

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Organic chemistry is a discipline within chemistry which involves the scientific study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation (by synthesis or by other means) of chemical compounds consisting primarily of carbon and hydrogen, which may contain any number of other elements, including nitrogen, oxygen, the halogens as well as phosphorus, silicon and sulfur. SGS offer you a wide range of organic compounds analysis.

Here is a non exhaustive list:

  • TPH
  • Aromatic compounds
  • PAH
  • COHV
  • Pesticides
  • Alkyl and chlorofenols
  • Alcohols
  • Glycols

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Inorganic chemistry is the branch of chemistry concerned with the properties and behavior of inorganic compounds. This field covers all chemical compounds except the myriad organic compounds (compounds containing C-H bonds), which are the subjects of organic chemistry. The distinction between the two disciplines is far from absolute, and there is much overlap, most importantly in the sub-discipline of organometallic chemistry.

The two main categories we offer are:

  • Particles
  • Metals

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Chemistry is the science concerned with the composition, structure, and properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions.

The wide range of chemical analysis comprises:

  • Anions
  • Cations
  • pH
  • Conductivity
  • Cyanide
  • COD
  • BOD

Want to know more? Contact us!


Determination of emission of constituents from waste, soil and building materials.

What is a leaching test?

A leaching test is a test during which material is put into contact with a leachat and some constituents of the material are extracted.

What is the purpose of a leaching test?

  • To determine the release of constituents from materials and with that the potential pollution of the environment with those constituents over a longer time period (up to 100 years).
  • To get an indication of the mobility of constituents and possible time of release.
  • To get an indication of the neutralisation capacity of the material.

Leaching tests can be performed on monolitic and granular soil, waste- and building materials.

Types of testing:

  • Basic Characterisation: To obtain information on the short and long term leaching behaviour and characteristics properties
  • Compliance: To determine whether the material complies with specific reference values (After Characterisation)
  • Column test (Characterisation)

    The column test is a dynamic test to determine the leaching (release) from L/S (Liquid/Solid ratio) 0,1 to 10. The total Emission at L/S 10 is the maximum leachable quantity over a period from 60 to 100 years in mg/kgDM.

    Diffusion or Tank test (Characterisation)

    The Diffusion- or Tank-test is a static test to determine the leaching (release) and stability of monolitic and formgiven (building) materials. The Emission is the maximum leachable quantity over a period from 60 to 100 years in mg/m2.

    Compliance (CEN) test EN12547-1 to 4

    The compliance test provides information on leaching of granular materials resulting in an Emission in mg/kgDM at L/S 10. (Important: this test has been developed to investigate mainly inorganic constituents. It does not take into account the particular characteristics of non-polar organic constituents nor the consequences of microbiological processes in inorganic degradable wastes).

    Maximum availability test (Characterisation)

    The maximum availability test gives a general impression off the maximum available quantity of constituents at L/S 100 in mg/kgDM. This test gives the “worst case”. It also gives a figure for the neutralisation capacity.

    Legislation that contains leaching

    In EU legislation the Landfill Directive (2002) has adapted the EN12457 (Compliance test) and prEN14405 (Column test) as the tests to be used. In almost all cases the EN12457 is used for characterisation.

    In the Netherlands all described tests are used for characterisation of mainly building materials and waste.


    Asbestos is the generic term for a number of naturally occurring minerals composed of fine fibres. The name is taken from the Greek word “asbestos”, which means indestructible or imperishable. The correct name for this mineral, because asbestos is resistant to acids, alkalis and high temperatures. Asbestos is strong and at the same time flexible, durable and thermically, electrically and sound insulating. In comparison to man made mineral fibres, asbestos is a cheap raw material. Asbestos is mined from rocks, whereby the rocks are comminuted. This releases the asbestos particles.

    Between 1940 and 1993, a lot of asbestos was used in construction in the Netherlands. Examples are: asbestos cement, underlays for carpets, sealants, concrete glue, paints and roofing bitumen. Furthermore, it was often used for fire insulation and heat protection. In addition, asbestos was frequently used in appliances, means of transport, structures and systems (toasters, ships, cars, lorries, train carriages, roads and lift systems. Analysis There are 4 microscopic techniques that can be used to analyse a sample for the presence and concentration of asbestos:

    • Stereo microscope: the stereo microscope is used for an initial visual screening of the materials suspected of containing asbestos. Using a magnification of 5 – 60 times, the material is examined for fibres that could possibly be asbestos. After identification, an estimate is made of the quantity of asbestos (m/m%)
    • Polarisation microscope: A polarisation microscope can be used in many cases to determine whether a suspect fibre is indeed asbestos. For this purpose, optical properties are used, such as refraction index, double refraction, dispersion and behaviour in polarised light. A magnification is used of 100 to 500 times.
    • Phase contrast microscope: fibres can be counted with the aid of a phase contrast microscope. The technique is used to count fibres on air sampling filters.
    • Electron microscope: a very strong magnification of fibres can be achieved with an electron microscope (to > 25,000 times). In combination with X-ray diffraction, the elements can be determined that comprise the fibre discovered. The minerals sought are Si, Mg, Fe, Ca, Na, Mn and Al, particularly regarding their ratio, which is characteristic of a specific type of asbestos.

    SGS works according to the following standards:

    • NEN 5707 (soil samples): if non-compacted materials are found in the fraction > 4 mm , it is mandatory to examine the smallest fraction (particles < 500 µm).
    • NEN 5896 (samples of materials): reveal and identify asbestos with the aid of stereo and electron microscopy; if there is doubt, electron microscopy might possibly be used for identification.
    • NEN 5897 (construction and demolition waste and rubble granulate): if non-compacted materials are found in the fraction > 4 mm, it is mandatory to examine the smallest fraction (particles < 500 µm) under an electron microscope.

    SGS has all the aforementioned microscopes at its disposal and is therefore able to conduct all analyses (accredited by the Raad voor Accreditatie!) fully in accordance with the relevant applicable NEN standards.


    Are you looking for a wide range of compounds, fast turnaround of results, small sample volumes and above all, a screening method with low detection limits that is suitable for samples coming from complex contaminated sites or sites with little history ? If so, Soil²Control is for you. It enables you to detect over 200 compounds including PCBs, pesticides, heavy metals, total hydrocarbons or VOC’s. Soil2Control is available for ground and water analyses. The exhaustive list of Soil²Control was established to meet the requirements of the European legislation and anticipates the European market needs. The list of compounds and the detection limits are available on request. Reliable and Innovating. Soil²Control is a fast and reliable breakthrough approach for environmental consultants. The analysis is carried out in our SGS in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and is the result of a close partnership between our laboratories in England, the Netherlands and Sweden.

    The Soil²Control advantages:

    • Quantitative screening test
    • Small amount of sample needed
    • Accreditation ISO 17025 for the majority of compounds
    • Low detection limits

    The results are provided in 5 working days after reception of the samples at the laboratory. If you require the results within 3 days, please contact your commercial contact.

    SGS Environmental Analytics



    Source: NEN 5707

    Solid part of the earth containing liquid and gaseous components and organisms.


    Source: Dutch decree on soil quality

    Solid material composed of mineral parts with a maximum grain size of 2 millimetre, organic substance in a proportion that is normally found in the ground and with a structure naturally occurring structure, as well as naturally present shells and gravel with a grain size of 2 up to 63 mm.


    Source: Dutch Framework Directive water

    All the water that can be found under the soil surface in the saturated zone, that is directly in contact with the soil or underground.


    Source: an official definition of sludge does not exist. In the accreditation scheme of the Dutch AS3000, the definition of dredging mud is used, as in the Dutch decree on soil quality

    Material, released through surface water or for that water intended space, existing from mineral parts with a maximum grain size of 2 millimetre and organic substance in a proportion that is normally found in the ground and with a structure naturally occurring structure, as well as naturally present shells and gravel with a grain size of 2 up to 63 mm.


    Source: NEN 7331

    Very viscous liquid or solid material, existing mainly of hydrocarbons or derivatives thereof, that is almost completely soluble in Carbon disulfide.


    Source: NEN 7331

    Natural or artificial mix of bitumen and mineral matter.


    Waste Water

    Source: ISO 6107-1

    Water that is drained after it has been used or has been formed during a process and that is no longer necessary in that process.


    Source: Energy and environment information system VITO, Belgium

    Mixture of a number of gases and substances, with a constant composition, created by natural processes, with as main gases oxygen (20.9 %) and nitrogen (78.1 %).


    Source: NEN5707

    Mineralogical name which describes certain fiber silicates that belongs to the mineralogical group of the serpentin and amphibole minerals, which have crystallised in the so-called asbestiform and as a result, are easily fissile to long, thin, flexible strong fibers when they are grinded or processed.

    SGS Environmental Analytics

    Turnaround Time

    Turnaround Time

    Our goal is to keep reliability in delivery terms above 90%. Every day, SGS Analytics analyses several thousands samples. Thanks to an efficient internal organization and modern logistic solutions, we accompany you in your projects by offering fast turnaround times and meeting deadlines.

    • Overnight service: when samples and order are received, results are available the next working day by 09:00 (by fax or email). A surcharge of 100% is applied
    • 24 hour-service: when samples and order are received, results are available the next working day by 17:00 (by fax or email). A surcharge of 40% is applied
    • 48 hour-service: when samples and order are received, results are available the second following working day by 17:00 (by fax or email). A surcharge of 20% is applied
    • 72 hour-service: when samples and order are received, results are available the third following working day by 17:00 (by fax or email). A surcharge of 10% is applied
    • Standard delivery term: when samples and order are received, results are available after 5 working days by 23:59 (by fax or email).

    Of course, those delivery times depend on the minimum duration of the analysis.

    SGS Environment Analytics

    Logistics Support


    Reliability is a crucial concept for SGS Analytics, especially when it comes to respecting delivery terms. A sharp logistics management of incoming and outgoing data is essential. To achieve this, SGS Analytics provides you with a user friendly service, affordable and standardized, so that your samples are received on time.

    Courier service

    Analytical samples can be picked up on location, anywhere in the Netherlands and Belgium. The vans collecting the samples are all refrigerated and the couriers register the samples gathered with a hand held computer (Psion). Once scanned, the samples are part of the state of the art “track&trace” system of SGS Analytics. A simple phone call to our Customer Service department before 11:00 is enough to have your samples collected the same day. It is also possible to order a collection through AMIS or @mis, at least a working day in advance. It is also possible to place your samples in one of our depots, throughout the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain and Romania. Each depot has its own cooling facility, as well as a stock of containers you may need for your sampling activities.

    Express Carriers

    SGS Analytics negotiated specific conditions with express carriers to deliver your samples to the laboratory in the Netherlands within the fastest possible time.

    Shipment of soil samples from outside the European union

    According to the demands of the phytosanitary handbook of the Dutch Department of Plantdiseases (PD), dated from june 1st 2004 import is prohibited of specific plants (this also includes seeds and fruits), bark, bulbs, but also for soil and growthmedia, see guideline 95/44/EG. SGS Analytics is licenced and under strict conditions soil may be imported for which a dispensation in the form of an Import Licence is necessary. This procedure only applies to soil samples and not to water samples, the latter can be imported without dispensation. The purpose of this procedure is to prevent the risc of spreading possible harmfull organism into the ecosystem.

    Each shipment needs to be accompanied by an Import Licence which can be optained for a fee through your regular contact or Customer Services. It is the responsability of the customer / shipping party to make sure a shipment of soil samples is accompanied by an original Import Licence, copies of the document are not allowed. Please note that in case soil samples are delivered without an Import Licence the samples will be destroyed by the Department of Plantdiseases, for which the costs will be forwarded to the customer. In the attached document below you will find all necessary information on how to ship in a clear overview. Questions concerning this topic can be addressed with you contact or Customer Services.

    No matter how far or how close, SGS Analytics guides your samples to their destination.


    No matter how far or how close, SGS Analytics guides your samples to their destination.

    Polígono Actividades Económicas - Forte da Casa
    Lote B Fracçao A, Edificio Foreva
    Estrada Nacional 10
    PT-2625-121 Póvoa Santa Iria (Portugal)"


    SGS Analytics can supply sample jars, bottles and other packaging material to customers. For quality reasons we only deliver standard (preserved) containers. Please find below a file summarising the available containers and their characteristics. Also available in this document are the quantities and type of container needed per analysis. An important aspect to bear in mind when sampling water for metals analysis is that the sample needs to be filtered and acidified on site. In order to make your sampling activities easier, sample jars and bottles are all provided with a unique and water resistant label with a bar code. You can place an order for sampling material simply by contacting our Customer Service department.

    Overview Packaging Materials

    Extension of Preservation

    Soil samples are preserved in our cooling facilities up to 4 weeks after delivery, unless you submit a written request for an extension of preservation, using the designated form which is available to download below. The extension of preservation of soil samples is limited to a period of 6 months; after which the samples are destroyed in an environmentally friendly manner. The cost for destruction of samples and of the extension of preservation can be found in our price list. You can also contact your sales representative for more information.

    Formular: Extension of Preservation

    SGS Environmental Analytics

    Service & Expertise

    Service & Expertise

    As a leading environmental laboratory SGS Analytics strives to deliver reliability and quality. This is realized through the knowledge that our personnel have built up over the years and by using the latest analytical methods available with the help of sophisticated analytical equipment. The quality of results is also established through personal attention and maintaining a strict and ambitious internal quality management system. By using our client interface @mis customers can order analyses, check the status of ongoing projects and do several statistical analysis. By delivering the service mentioned above our customers can rely on us and thus act as a reliable actor in the whole value chain of environmental services.

    SGS Analytics is active in a young, sometimes immature market, in several European countries, each knowing a different level of growth. Those differences are in direct correlation with the need for support and expectations of our customers. Our vision is to offer this support through the presence of local “customer service centers”. Those centers have a clearly defined structure: sales and account managers, actively visiting and coaching our customers. Also present in a service center is a dedicated customer service department, responsible amongst other things for the technical, logistic and sales support.

    We believe that, through process optimisation with a central European laboratory, the whole European market can be provided with a high quality service package. External logistics also play a crucial role in this ; that is why SGS Analytics is very keen on setting up and maintaining local networks of couriers, as well as a tight collaboration with pan-European express carriers. Do you want to know more about our depots and/or the packaging to use for your samples? You can find more detailed information in the navigator.

    Sales Team

    From discussions with our clients, it emerges time after time that a modern laboratory has to do more than just deliver reliable analysis results on time. Clients rightly appreciate organisations that think actively along with them. A good partner recognises situations, can empathise with others and has an eye for general company interests. SGS Analytics is very much aware of this and continually strives to bring its services to a higher level. The essential feedback from clients is gathered through active daily contact, through structural relationship management and certainly through independently conducted client satisfaction surveys as well.

    The Sales Team maintains all operational contacts with existing clients. You can turn to the Sales Team with questions about:

    • Products; which analyses, does the analysis of A make sense in sample B, and so forth;
    • Product specifications; which method, what degree of accuracy, detection limit, and so forth;
    • Commerce; what does analysis A cost;
    • Provision of instructions; how should I deliver samples, how much of a sample is required, can you pick up or take samples and so forth;
    • Progress of the research; when can I expect my results, can you fax results and so forth;
    • Reports, can you also provide the report in English, in duplicate and so forth;
    • General question; delivery times, packing, quantity of samples, and so forth;
    • Complaints.

    In addition, the organisational set-up, and with that also the services of SGS Analytics, bears a personal signature. The relationship with clients is maintained by regular contact with people. This promotes a service-related involvement and guarantees efficient communication.


    SGS Analytics wants to contribute to a durable and liveable society. The corner stone of the working method of SGS Analytics is the intense cooperation with customers, suppliers, government and other external parties. We create added value for our customers by not only providing them with analytical results, but also by offering to share our knowledge of chemical analyses, technological experience, development on the environmental market and relevant legislations. As well as seminars (ALcodays), we also provide personalised courses on location. Contact your Sales representative for more information on our personalised courses and check our events on the home page.

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    SGS Environmental Analytics

    IT Solutions

    IT Solutions

    SGS Analytics is constantly innovating and develops the latest in IT solutions. Advanced systems based on the latest technology are developed to treat rapidly and accurately huge quantities of data. This data is made available through internet technology to allow you to process it efficiently. Do you want to place an order from wherever in the world, know the status of an analysis whenever you wish or process analytical results easily and rapidly? We invite you to use the broad laboratory portal @mis. With @mis you always have access to your data. Your results can be processed the way you need them to be, simply and efficiently. @mis is always up-to-date.

    Make use of @mis’ possibilities:

    • Place your orders
    • Track&Trace your analytical results
    • Compare your results to different regulations
    • Access your analytical reports and invoices
    • Get your results in Word or Excel format
    • Allow data exchange with your own information system
    • Request pick-ups

    Besides the @mis portal, SGS Analytics is continuously innovating with respect to digitalisation of information and delivering customer supporting tools, such as “compliance testing programs” and handheld field registration. The large part of the digital process and output is delivered by @mis. This means that analyses results, order confirmations, invoices, notifications and related documents (methods, accreditations) are digitally available. The compliance testing programs developed by SGS Analytics have a main objective to support and service our customers in analyzing their results.

    Contact Form